EIT Food začíná vzrušující rok podpůrných aktivit pro startupy. V roce 2021 zahajujeme nové kolo přihlašování do našich stěžejních programů – Seedbed, Food Accelerator Network a Rising Food Stars. Kromě toho zahajujeme několik programů pro podnikatele a inovátory z jižní a východní Evropy – Test Farms, Empowering Women in Agrifood a spouštíme náš zcela nový program TeamUp.
Abychom vám pomohli zorientovat se v portfoliu programů EIT Food, připravujeme hodinové setkání na platformě zoom, během kterého poskytneme více informací o jednotlivých programech a zodpovíme vaše dotazy.
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EIT Food Business Creation Team
For innovative agritech startups with a prototype/MVP
Need help with testing your agritech solution? Test Farms programme is designed to link innovative agritech startups with farmers or agricultural land to do a pilot project. (Applications open on March 1)
For people with agrifood solutions who want to find a co-founder
TeamUp matches scientists and technologists with business innovators and helps them co-create impactful agrifood ventures. Apply and find the right co-founder for your agrifood startup. (Applications open on March 1)
For aspiring entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial academics and newly formed startups
A six-month pre-accelerator programme, delivered across five EU hubs, that aims to transform innovative ideas into market-validated business propositions. (Applications open)
For registered startups with pre-seed funding and traction indicators
An accelerator programme delivered at six unique innovation ecosystems in Europe. Increase your visibility in the agrifood space and maximise your chance of success. (Applications open)
For early ambitious scaleups with paying customers ready for significant growth
The RisingFoodStars Network allows successful, impactful agrifood scaleups to scale to the next level in becoming the international game changers of the future. (Applications open)
For female entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector
An educational programme tailored for female-specific challenges regarding entrepreneurship. Gain knowledge, confidence and support to successfully start and develop your sustainable businesses. (Applications open in Spring, 2021)